(573) 634-5272
MCHS is working to ensure that providers are up-to-date on the latest news relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please find a variety of resources below - updated by their respective organizations and Departments daily. We will update this page as resources become available.
The Missouri Department of Economic Development has launched a Missouri PPE marketplace to will allow private and public sellers to connect with buyers. Register here - https://ppe-supply.uk.r.appspot.com/#/
HCBS Provider Info Memos, DHSS, DSDS
Free COVID-19 Caregiver Assessment APP - built for the home care industry
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Q&A; US Department of Labor
Call documentation template for weekly check-ins with clients. Call Documentation. Please note, we are still working on logistics on billing for these calls, but please move forward with them for the time being.
"What If" Document - Guidance for Clients
DHSS Guidance - Telephone Assessments (March 16, 2020)
DHSS Memo - Childcare Needs (March 23, 2020)
Other Resources: