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Board + Committees

The Missouri Council for In-Home Services (MCHS) hosts six standing committees, including legislative, standards & issues, by-laws, nominations, conference, and membership, marketing & public relations.

Board of Directors


Executive Committee

The executive committee shall consist of the officers of the council and the chairs of the legislative and standards committees. The president shall chair the executive committee. The executive committee shall have the authority to conduct business between regularly scheduled meetings if deemed necessary with any or all actions considered or taken to be fully reported to the full board at its next scheduled meeting. The executive committee shall also develop the annual MCHS budget and oversee all fiscal matters.

Melissa Robinson, President

LaDonna Williams, Vice President
Theresa Evans, Treasurer

Sheri Mathis, Secretary


Legislative Committee

Chair: LaDonna Williams
The primary responsibility of the legislative committee shall be to monitor the progress of legislative actions which may affect the council and or its members and to report this activity to the membership via the board, recommending action as appropriate. The committee shall also be the liaison with any or all lobbyist retained by the council and or will directly represent the council as may be necessary.


Conference Committee

Co-Chairs:  Theresa Evans & Melissia Robinson
The conference committee shall coordinate and develop activities for the MCHS annual conference.


Standards and Issues Committee

Co-Chairs:  Sheri Mathis & Tammy Yates
The standards committee will promote the development and maintenance of standards and practices of proper personal care and homemaker chore services. It will also serve as the council's primary liaison with federal, state, local and other appropriate agencies, reporting back to the council via the board actions which might affect the council or its membership, with appropriate recommendations.


Resource Development Committee

Chair: Wendy Hill
The education committee will work to expand the general understanding of the function and the importance of personal care and homemaker-chore services as stated in Section 2 or Article III of these by-laws. It shall coordinate and develop special events and activities including the MCHS annual meeting.


Membership, Marketing and Public Relations Committee

Co-Chairs: Linda Buchanan & Emilie Lococo

The membership committee shall send out renewal applications to all council members at the beginning of each membership year. The committee shall also process all membership applications and bring recommendations for new membership to the Board of Directors.


Nominations Committee

Co-Chairs:  Carlita Vasser & Sheri Mathis

The nominations committee shall consist of at least two board members and one full-voting non-board member. The committee shall present a slate of names accompanied by nominating profiles to the full-voting membership at the annual meeting. The committee shall also present names and profiles to the president to fill any or all vacancies which may occur during the year.


By-Laws Committee

Chair: Linda Buchanan
The by-laws committee shall review by-laws annually to determine the need for changes, clarifications, or recommendations to the Board of Directors.


Long Range Planning

Co-Chairs: Theresa Evans & Melissia Robinson

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(573) 634-5272

PO Box 1803
Jefferson City, MO 65101

©2023 by Missouri Council for In-Home Services

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